Cancer Dislikes Bodies that Stay Alkaline

Communicating for Health and Wellness

by Aggie Perilli

Increasingly I hear that loved ones or their loved ones have cancer. Privately, I offer to send information others have found healing. It’s the same information I offered my neighbor a few years ago, when she realized chemotherapy would be too harsh for her.

Careful not to overstep healthful boundaries, I suggested my neighbor balance her body’s pH and restore its alkalinity.

She was unclear what that meant exactly.

I pointed to my vegetable garden to explain. If my soil is acidic, I add agriculture lime to restore its alkalinity. When the pH of my soil is balanced, my vegetables thrive.

Cancer dislikes bodies that stay alkaline.

I suggested my neighbor buy pH strips to test her body’s pH balance. If she finds her body acidic, rather than alkaline, she could ingest fewer acidic foods and beverages, such as red meat and coffee, and eat more organic vegetables — local when possible.

Grimacing, my neighbor expressed her distaste for vegetables.

Jokingly, I told her what my siblings and I had taught my cousin, Robert, when we were kids and he would join our family for dinner.

Like us, Robert had to stay seated at our dinner table until he had eaten all his vegetables. We’d say, “Robert, just hold your nose and you won’t taste anything!”

My neighbor laughed.

I asked whether she might find it helpful to buy a juicer. She could drink a veggie smoothie and consume four of at least five daily recommended vegetables at once.

One smoothie recipe recommended by my nutritionist calls for equal parts cucumber, carrots and celery with a sliver of beet. Other recipes sweeten three green vegetables with a single fruit.

My Neighbor’s Cancer Symptoms Subsided Naturally

My body feels best when I consume no more than two servings of fruit or healthful sweets daily.

I learned to read the food labels on trusted brands to ensure my family’s organic bread, kefir and other prepared foods each contain less than 20 grams of sugar. At home, I also learned to serve carbohydrates separately from protein because our bodies digest them differently.

As a foodie who loves to cook, I usually prepare carbohydrates for lunch. I prepare protein with breakfast and dinner, the former for energy and the latter helps keep our hormones balanced.

If my energy wanes around 3 p.m., I generally eat a handful of organic nuts. A healthy protein snack can reenergize our bodies and help process sugar.

A few days after I spoke with my neighbor, I visited her briefly at home. I found her standing by her kitchen counter holding her nose while drinking a vegetable smoothie.

Within days of ingesting at least five vegetables daily, my neighbor became alkaline and her cancer symptoms subsided naturally!

To boost your alkalinity more quickly, it may help to eat miso soup for breakfast. You can also drink pure organic cranberry juice diluted with water.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Can Ease Pressure on Your Heart and Lungs

Also potentially transformative is the often overlooked healing power of diaphragmatic breathing. Shifting from shallow chest breathing to steady diaphragmatic breaths can alleviate pressure on our heart and lungs. Diaphragmatic breathing also aids relaxation, which can reduce stomach acid and boost our alkalinity.

Becoming alkaline may require additional measures for some people.

A friend with breast cancer went so far as to become macrobiotic and her body still remained acidic. I referred her to a nutritionist who provides computerized bioenergetic testing to discern whether her body needed a detox. She also may have been consuming foods her body needed to avoid, avoided foods she needed, and/or required a health or lifestyle change.

Consistently reliable bioenergetic testing can safely and noninvasively eliminate guesswork related to diet, medicines, nutritional supplements, viruses, bacteria, parasites, pollutants and more. Every body is unique and responds to medications and foods differently.

Additionally, bioenergetic testing revealed that my neighbor’s heart medication had been adversely affecting her liver. To remedy this negative side effect, my neighbor received testing for a high-quality nutritional supplement to help counteractively strengthen her liver.

She received further testing for her body’s response to that liver supplement together with her medication, and five recommended supplements, including vitamin C, probiotics and digestive enzymes — in recommended amounts.

My neighbor knew not to confuse her body and possibly obstruct healing by ingesting too many medicines and supplements at once.

Unlike my neighbor, my friend adhered to therapies that failed to work for her and her health suffered.

Oncologists in Mexico and elsewhere offer non-toxic therapies that have helped pancreatic cancer patients live 30 years or longer. Independently research your options and be proactive about prevention.

Follow the Metaphoric Wisdom of Your Body

Throughout the process, be as forgivingly patient and tolerant with yourself as you are with others. Meditatively reflect on fearful or negative emotions, rather than let them fester or metaphorically eat away at you. Remain faithfully aware and responsive rather than reactive.

Avoid naysayers, regardless of their credentials. As old-time doctors knew, a person’s state-of-mind can directly influence health and healing.

With transformative gratitude and loving faithfulness, follow the objective metaphoric wisdom of your body. Indulge in a delicious medley of at least five safely GMO- and chemical-free organic vegetables daily.

As my neighbor varied her vegetables and maintained her body’s alkalinity, she regained her health and remained strong and vibrant for years!

How do you stay healthfully alkaline?

Note: If you find this post helpful, you can subscribe to my blog here at no charge! Thank you for sharing your healthful organic practices here on Facebook and Twitter.

Aggie Perilli is president of Aggie Perilli Communications International (APCI).

Disclaimer: Aggie makes no claim to be a physician. She is in the business of empathetic communications and awareness campaigns. Consult with an openminded and trustworthy health care professional about a safe and healthful treatment for your medical condition. The preventions and natural healing practices described here are for educational purposes and in no way constitute a replacement for medical advice, diagnoses or potential treatment. Please rely on the above information at your own risk.

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Dr. Phil Nuernberger of Strategic Intelligence Skills demonstrates diaphragmatic breathing.

pHoreverYoung: The pH Miracle Center